FAQ’s, T&C, & PP

Q: How do I sell an antique Tiffany item to JDTiffany Studio?

A: Please email us at
info@TiffanyOnly.com or call us at 1-833-TIF-ONLY (1-833-843-6659) in order to begin the zero-obligation appraisal & inquiry process leading to the sale of your Tiffany windows(s), lamps(s), vase(s), jewelry, desk or other miscellaneous item(s). If possible & applicable, please include pictures, asking price, dimensions, & any other known information about your Tiffany item(s) that you are looking to sell.

We can typically begin the appraisal process solely based off of the photos & information that you send to us; as things progress, however, an in-person site visit to view the Tiffany item(s) may be required.

Q: How do I purchase Tiffany items from JDTiffany Studio?

A: We treat all of our high-value Tiffany sales as sensitive transactions, meaning that many of our Tiffany items for sale are not publicly displayed; only a select few individuals in the country even know that these items are available for purchase.

Our buyers have all called or emailed us, expressing interest in particular Tiffany categories (desk lamps, floor lamps, pendant lamps, landscape windows, floral windows, religious windows, frarvile glass vases, jewelry, desk or misc items, etc) & we will send them photos of the items that we have available from their categories of interest.

If we do not have Tiffany items currently available from within the buyer’s categories of interest, we will put their contact information on-file & email them as soon as a new item becomes available from within that category.

Feel free to email us at info@TiffanyOnly.com or call us at 1-833-TIF-ONLY (1-833-843-6659) in order in inquire about your own personal Tiffany categories of interest.

Q: Can I provide my own Tiffany appraiser?

A: Absolutely! Even though our appraisers & curators are nationally-acclaimed & extremely reputable, we want all of our buyers & seller’s alike to feel as comfortable & secure as possible throughout the entirety of their Tiffany purchase.

Q: What are public visiting hours?

A: We do not have public visiting hours as our items are located in various storage facilities throughout the United States. To view Tiffany item(s) that we have available for sale in person, please contact us to make an appointment; please note that a flight may be necessary depending on which state the Tiffany item(s) of interest is currently residing in.

Q: What payment types are accepted?

A: We accept payment by escrow, check, wire transfer, PayPal, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express); the option to pay via credit card or PayPal is available to returning customers only. 

Q: What is an “escrow, check, or wire payment discount”?

A: All of our quoted prices are assuming the customer will be paying via escrow, check, or wire transfer & are therefore already discounted by 5%; any payments made by credit card, PayPal, or other fee-inducing transactional systems will nullify this 5% discount. 

Q: What condition are antique Tiffany stained glass windows in?

A: Any broker or stained glass studio will note that an antique stained glass window’s condition is “consistent with age,” similar to other antique items. What this means is that the lead soldering in the joints are weakening & that the glass may contain typically-forming hairline cracks; however, spider-web cracks (multiple cracks stemming from a singular point) as well as holes (from rocks, bullets, etc) in the window are not naturally-occurring & are therefore considered to be damage.

Q: What are the mobile T&C’s & JDTiffany’s privacy policy?

A: By choosing to text, call, or email JDT you are agreeing to receive texts, calls or email in return from a representative of JDTiffany; you may cancel communication with us at any time by texting, calling, or emailing us & using the word “STOP”.

The data that we collect, when voluntarily given to us by our clients, includes: full name, email address, phone number, & delivery address. Data that we collect is for use within JDTiffany Studio only & is never sold or given to any 3rd parties.